P. 506

502 PART 16 - Preparedness and Empowerment

   Your parents may have said umpteen times, “You need to learn a
profession.” The media relentlessly penetrates the political messages you
adopt, day after day, year after year. Even your religious beliefs were not
absorbed in just one day. Now your job is to choose a goal and hammer
that ability to achieve it deep within yourself. No one can do this for you.

   When I was twelve years old, I decided to become a millionaire. In the
economic environment of my reality, I had never met such a person, but the
target was marked and repeated in my mind daily. Every time a momentous
event occurred, I repeated my mantra, “I want to be a millionaire.” Over the
years, this belief became so much a part of me that I never doubted my
ability to succeed. With success now a given in my mindset, the only thing
left was to choose how to achieve it.

   One of the most effective ways to embed a belief is to write it down
every day in a notebook dedicated for this purpose. Doing this reinforces
your belief at the subconscious level. I would even suggest writing it down
on sticky notes and attaching them to all kinds of objects in the house, but
then your friends might arrange to have you hospitalized before you’ve
reached your goal.

   SECOND, try to imagine success. How would you look if you were a
whole lot lighter? What sort of clothes would you buy? How proud would
you be when you join friends who knew you as a smoker and they see
you no longer disappear every twenty minutes to grab a smoke? Imagining
helps reinforce determination and helps cope with the process of reaching
your goal.

   My golf coach, Ricardo, actually trained as a psychiatrist before becoming
a pro golfer. During one lesson, Ricardo taught me that a successful golf
shot requires me to imagine the outcome. “Before hitting, imagine the
flight of the ball and your target,” he would repeat. And it works! The body
amazingly moves according to what we imagine.

   THIRD, spread your belief. Tell everyone you can about your goal
and your determination to achieve it. Start with people close to you and
then expand the circle. The more people you tell, the more committed you
will feel to upholding your stated goal. At age twelve when I decided to
be a millionaire, I told all my friends, and kept reminding them over the
years. I joked with them that they would end up working for me, which is
indeed what happened to some. The more I shared my goal with others,
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