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to yourself in the first person: I’m successful, I’m a money-making machine,
I’m a magnet for other people, I’m sure of myself, I’m happy, I’m pleased.

The more we use constructive phraseology, the better our perception of
self becomes. Believe in yourself and your abilities, since the views of
others are negligible. As long as you maintain your self-confidence and
belief in yourself, you will succeed and your financial success will improve
in direct correlation to your self-esteem. Good internal communication
improves your quality of life, your self-confidence, and no less valuable,
your external communication.

External Communication

This is the way you express yourself, the words you say, your body language,

your facial expressions. External communication is power. It is your power

to impact others and the way they perceive you. Everything you wish

to achieve, everything you lack, you can reach through those very same
people. First, you need to find them and connect to them. If you mingle
with people who have money, sooner or later something of it will cling to

you too. If you mingle only with the people you grew up with, you won’t get

far. During the most challenging financial timeframe of my life (see what

I mean? I swap “difficult” for “challenging”) when I had not a penny to my

name, I joined an exclusive golf club. That was my way of mingling with the
haves rather than the have-nots.

   Despite my dreadful financial state, how did I manage suitable external

communication with millionaires as an equal among equals? When

you come from a lower economic class, it’s not so easy to communicate

naturally with someone who is leagues above you. Try imagining how
you’d behave if invited to lunch, one-on-one, with Donald Trump. Would
your external communication be natural? Now try to imagine the lines of
communication between Trump and Warren Buffet. Would they be more
natural? Of course they would.

   How does one millionaire approach another? Does he look him

straight in the eye when speaking, or look down? My way of structuring

good external communication was to structure constructive internal

communication. I constantly repeated to myself, “I’m a millionaire. A

check for one million dollars is on its way to my account, but hasn’t been
deposited yet.” Once I convinced myself I was a millionaire and that the
check was merely delayed in the mail, being a millionaire was a given.

With that problem behind me, my external communication altered. The
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