P. 274
270 PART 9 - The Trading Platform
This window allows following up on stocks or indices. You choose which
stocks or indices to feed into the window. You can also choose the columns
setup. In this image, you see the columns I have chosen: symbol, change as
a percentage, change in points, volume, and last price. In the upper section,
I chose symbols of important market indices and sectors. Beneath them
are several stocks I am following. You can open several such windows
and save different types of stocks in each, according to various follow-up
categories. For example, stocks on the verge of breakout, stocks trending
up, stocks trending down, and so on. Right clicking with the mouse on a
symbol opens that stock’s chart and allows you to quickly check a long list
of stocks or indicators. Your trading platform updates every symbol and
indicator in real time. This means that the more symbols you add to your
tables, the stronger your internet bandwidth needs to be. For this reason,
most brokers limit the number of charts offered to several dozen, and the
number of symbols for follow-up to several hundreds.
• the News window
This window displays real time information derived from various data
suppliers. The window shows the notification’s time, the stock’s symbol,
and a summary of the information. Clicking the button on the summary
line allows me to see an image, opening an additional window displaying
the detailed information. I do not tend to follow market notifications. The
rate at which they enter is very high and it is difficult to efficiently scan