P. 60

58 PART 1 - Allow Me To Introduce You… To The Stock Exchange

So How is All This Connected to You?

At the basic level, none of this needs to interest you. You can open an
account with a broker, deposit your money, and learn how to buy and sell
stocks. As long as you’re trading only in small quantities of several hundred
shares per click, you can use your broker’s auto-routing and ignore all the
background activity. When you develop into a more serious trader and
increase your quantities, known as positions, to thousands of shares per
click, you’ll come across instances where you’ll receive only part of the
quantities you require (partial executions) and often at prices higher than
you wished. For large positions, it’s worth routing your orders to different
destinations in order to gain speed and liquidity. But it will take some time
to get to that stage, and by then you will be more familiar with and better
understand additional routing options and their significance.
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