P. 478
474 PART 14 - The Demons Are Coming!
becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. In our parents’ time, one
could buy IBM, for example, put it beneath the pillow (yes, once upon
a time real, thick paper certificates would be given to the buyer!), go
to sleep, wake the next day and know everything was still just fine.
Those times have passed from our world. I do not oppose long-term
investment, especially if the method works for you, but at least diversify
your investment portfolio with some short-term activity.
10. It’s the market’s fault.
It’s so easy to blame the market: I wasn’t taught well, I was promised
millions, the floor’s slippery, the stock market is known to be an
ungrateful place… and more. Not everyone is suited to intraday trading
and the market is not suited to everyone. In closing this chapter, let me
quote John Burroughs:
“A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame
somebody else.”